Tak marec je mesiac knihy. Prikladám sem môj text v angličtine, kde píšem o knihách ktoré ma zaujali, niektoré viac niektoré menej…o knihách ktoré som v minulom roku čítala a o filmoch a seriáloch, ktoré som videla. Keďže nemám televízor už asi 12 rokov a do kina veľmi nechodím, snažím sa život zažívať všetkými zmyslami a vlastným telom, tak si možno poviete, že toho veľa nebolo.. Aj výber môže vyvolávať otázky.. Tak to vyšlo, to som videla a tento rok zase niečo ďalšie..nové.. filmov, kníh, príbehov je milión..aby sme sa však v nich úplne nestratili, cvičme jogu, chodievajme do prírody, pozerajme, dýchajme, tancujme príbehy.. A s nádychom let it go.. Niekedy je však dobré spomenúť si.. A tak sem prikladám tento zoznam:
Achilles song by Madeline Miller – this book I chose randomly in Croatia in the lovely city Rovinj, where I felt the sea breeze caressing my face and my need to just enjoy the sun and to read some nice story grew bigger.. I was nicely surprised and deeply taken into the world of half God Achilles and his faithful friend Patroclus. I read how they grew up, how they learned all the skills to be a good warriors, how their Love also grew into the kind of “Romeo and Juliet” relationship.. The whole book was written in “I” person by Patroclus and his way of seeing his beloved Achilles to fight in the war of Troy which took 10 years. I read it in english, so I could widen my vocabulary and enjoyed the language and metaphors much more.
Lion King – We read this book with children in the kinder garden, where I am helping out to the teachers since 2 years. When somebody got sick, they called me and
I couldn’t stop to come over because the children between 3-6 are so innocent, playful, loving and connected to the angels…
I felt in Love again with the story of Lion King, with the braveness and with the paintings.
Beautiful unavailable women by Charlie Greenberg (audio book) – I somehow found this book on Spotify and listened it while my bus journey from Trieste to Bratislava.
Author is a young czech man who started to write when he was 17 years old and this intimate, erotic and spiritual novel ( how they describe it on google ) caught me into the story of a young man Matthew to whom the doctors notified, that he has a special disease and will live only 2 more years. So he starts to live differently, goes to India, where he get robbed.. Later when he manage to return, a young talented athlete needs to pass a qualification in a year, so Matthew can coach him while he starts meeting beautiful unavailable women with whom he has the most intimate and profound physical and emotional experiences. He try to give them all his love and attention, because he has nothing to loose. “Get ready, it’s raining, how are you going to stop it?” – that was the motto of this book
Harry Potter and the cursed child ( theatre play) by J.K.Rowling
I found it on Ibiza few years ago in some free library and I forgot to return it there.. And than I started to teach children in an
international school – Drama club – and I thought this might be a good story to learn and play with them. I was naive.. The children (between 9-11..) found it boring and they wanted to invent their own story.. At the end we took one idea from the book- where the 3 children (Harry Potter’s son and his friends) took a special juice, which changed them into adults. So “my” children turned into their teachers and spoke with their own parents convincing them, that their daughter or son are extremly smart and don’t have any problems in the school.. It was fun! 🙂
Ikabog – the same author, I borrowed this book from the school library and I returned it as well! 🙂 A mythical monster, a kingdom in peril, an adventure that will test two children’s bravery to the limit.
Silva’s method
Garage Liebertango by Jozef Heriban – I didn’t manage to come for the “baptism” of the book, because I got stuck in the traffic.. But then I bought the book and read it on my trip to Malaga. I know Jozef personally, I danced with him tango few years ago and through tango people come closer to each other somehow.. In this story the main character – Michal Kahn dances Argentine tango, sells antiques at Červený Kameň and writes his debut novel in the form of diary entries. Although he fights it, deep down he is a latent racist. However, his life changes completely when he accommodates a married refugee couple with two small children in the garage of his house… So happy to read in slovak languge, to enjoy its fine shapes, melodic words, plot and sentence twists.. It was filled with humour,
Water for elephants by Sarah Gruen A veterinary student Jacob Jankowski who almost earned his degree, is put in charge of caring for the circus menagerie. It is there that he meets Marlena, the beautiful young star of the equestrian act, who is married to August, the charismatic but twisted animal trainer. He also meets Rosie, an elephant who seems untrainable until he discovers a way to reach her. Wow, I was there, with them..in the circus, sitting on the horse and training other beautiful black and white horses, travelling with the train and performing in different cities..Sitting on an Elephant, making acrobatic turns in the air.. The author Sarah Gruen drew on real stories from the Circus- in which she made a long research. It was hard time in Amerika – for the workers, who drunk the whole time some cheap brandy to keep alive, who didn’t get paid sometimes for a month sometimes more.. also for our main character, who tried to care about the animals, but he many time he didn’t have enough funds to gave them proper food or medicaments..
Fleabag (screenplay) – I found this book on a wooden shelf in the hall of the Pearl palace hostel in Sri lanka, where we spent almost 2 weeks beginning this year..I haven’t seen the Tv serie, so I could create my own faces and characters in my head.. It was written in a funny, cheeky way. Things what happened to this women whose real name I didn’t find out – to Fleabag, were funny, tragicomic and although I sat on the Jungle beach in the shade, I travelled with her the streets of London, cleaned her Coffee shop, which she owned alone because her best friend died, I laughed and cried with her about her sex and partner stories and family embarassments.. The reading was quick even though the book had 327 sites, but because it was written only in Dialogues. Than month later we watched the serie and I was a bit disapointed that the main characters looked different than I imagined.. But that’s normal – this happen often when you first read and than you see..
Circe by Madeline Miller In the house of Helios, god of the sun and mightiest of the Titans, a daughter is born. But Circe is a strange child–neither powerful like her father nor viciously alluring like her mother. Turning to the world of mortals for companionship, she discovers that she does possess power: the power of witchcraft, which can transform rivals into monsters and menace the gods themselves.. Oh I really liked this story full of gods, halfgods, also humans faithful,strong, envious,furious, vengeful.. The Author Madeline again masterfully described colourful world, where nothing was impossible and I felt my inner Goddess grew stronger than before..:-)
Colour of Magic by Terry Pratchett This book I would describe like a Bible for fantasy book readers, it is so humorous, with brilliantly drawna characters and stories, I saw the Discworld in front of my eyes, I laughed, cried, was scared and than again bravely fighted with Rincewind and Twoflower – the main characters of this novel. Terry wrote the book 2 years before I was born, how crazy! 1983! I definitelly would recommend this to everybody, old or young, hippies or bussiness workers! Terry Pratchett rules! And of course big applaus to the amazing translator into czech: Jan Kanturek!
Maria Montessori by Laura Baldini I read this book with only few inhales and exhales, her life of a young medicine student – the only female between men! – and also her secret pregnancy, her love life, everything was so exciting and different to our presence.. She definitely knew what she wants, she progressed softly but relentlessly. She made big changes with children who were diagnosed as disabled. Eventhough she couldn’t devote her love to her own child, because she would need to give up her career, she devoted her love and passion to those childre who made big advances thanks to her methods.
Beauty and the beast
Good Luck to you Leo Grande
3 Musketieers and D’Artagnan
Good Maneers (spanish)
Beetlejuice (Tim Burton)
Spellbound (2024)
Leo (2023)
Ferdinand (2017)